Tour of Duty: Exercising Control Over Your Military Career
So I’m going to tell you about something called Tour of Duty. It’s a website that lists individual job vacancies for soldiers in any of the Reserve Component entities: IRR, IMA, USAR, ARNG.
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
So as I’m doing all of this research to plan my transition out of the active duty Army, I did a lot of introspection and analysis on what was driving me away from the Army. Maybe…
Diversity: At What Cost?
While the U.S. Army has taken an active role in promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion, some of the policies we’ve implemented or may implement run counter to the alleged goals of these policies and are…
An Unequal Application of Gender Equality
On a female private’s first day at Army Basic Training, we have essentially told her that she’s expected to perform at a standard much lower than that of her male peers.