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Stories from

The Road

Join me on the adventure. Scroll or pick a topic below.

Join me on the adventure.

Scroll or pick a topic below.

How it


The TEntative Plan

September 9, 2019

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

September 15, 2019

Taking a risk

December 21, 2019

The Plan Continues to Evolve

May 16, 2020

An Appeal for Planning and Preparation

December 27, 2021

And How it's


Gap Year(s) Reflections

January 13, 2022



Everything from boondocking and travel to my personal experience buying a van.

4x4 Off-road


Importing a Delica

Finding a Van

Importing a Delica

Finding a Van

6 Trailer Life Lessons

6 Trailer Life Lessons

Pop Tops VS High Tops

Pop Tops VS High Tops

Tiny Living &


Part 1: Letting Go

Part 2: Simplicity isn't Simple

Part 1: Letting Go

Part 3: In Practice

Part 3: In Practice

Part 4: What Works

Part 2: Simplicity isn't Simple

Part 4: What Works



Empowering you with practical resources and thought-provoking commentary.

GI Bill at a
Foreign School

October 3, 2023

A Note on These Articles

Some of these articles will specifically address practical military career information because I personally found the military’s lack of career flexibility frustrating. Some of these will focus more on your transition into civilian life. Some of these articles are personal reflections on different experiences and cultural phenomena I observed during my eight years on active duty. Disclaimer: There have been multiple instances where the specifics of benefits or resources I’ve written about have changed. I’ve done my best to stay up-to-date, but it’s impossible for me to keep up with it all. Please verify everything on official websites in case I missed something!


October 28, 2020

Obviously, my experience has been limited. I have enough intellectual humility to know that my opinions are just that: opinions. I’ve experienced the world in a specific way and through a certain lens, and that may differ from your life experience and observations. I hope you can appreciate my honesty and genuine interest in uninhibited, respectful discussion even if we disagree. I’m planning to continue writing about the military until I’ve completely de-programmed and become so fully occupied by my new path that this chapter slowly fades away.

Career & Transition


The Individual Ready Reserves

September 15, 2019

Tour of Duty

September 15, 2019

Reserve Component Opportunities

September 15, 2019

VR&E: What You Need to Know

September 15, 2019

ADOS: Choose Your Own Adventure

January 23, 2024

High Reward, Low Risk: MALO Positions

September 15, 2019

The IMA Program: What Nobody's Told You

September 15, 2019

JBLM's Fish and Wildlife Internship

September 15, 2019

The Value of Your Military Experience

December 26, 2021

Finding a Way to Fly

September 15, 2019

SFL-TAP: Done the Digital Way

September 15, 2019

Leadership &


Part 1: Predictability is dead

September 15, 2019

Part 2: The Illusive Six-Week Window

September 15, 2019

Part 3: Systems That Don't Work

September 15, 2019

Part 4: The Struggle is Real

September 15, 2019

Part 5: Methods for Managing the Madness

September 15, 2019

Part 1: Predictability is dead

September 15, 2019

Part 2: The Illusive Six-Week Window

September 15, 2019

Part 3: Systems That Don't Work

September 15, 2019

Part 4: The Struggle is Real

September 15, 2019

Part 5: Methods for Managing the Madness

September 15, 2019

Confessions of a Center of Mass Commander

March 13, 2021

Should I Stay or Should I go?

September 15, 2019

Diversity: At What Cost?

December 7, 2016

An Unequal Application of Gender Equality

December 10, 2015



Documenting my professional transition from military officer to conservation.
Resources for others seeking to break into this field.

Military to Conservation

December 26, 2021

Nature-Based Careers

December 26, 2021

Military to Conservation

December 26, 2021

Nature-Based Careers

December 26, 2021

JBLM's Fish & Wildlife Internship

December 26, 2021

Mushroom Foraging

December 26, 2021

JBLM's Fish & Wildlife Internship

December 26, 2021

Mushroom Foraging

December 26, 2021